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Tomsho KS, Schollaert C, Aguilar T, Bongiovanni R, Alvarez M, Scammell MK, Adamkiewicz G. A Mixed Methods Evaluation of Sharing Air Pollution Results with Study Participants via Report-Back Communication. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 10 29; 16(21). PMID: 31671859.
Li L, Hart JE, Coull BA, Cao SJ, Spengler JD, Adamkiewicz G. Effect of Residential Greenness and Nearby Parks on Respiratory and Allergic Diseases among Middle School Adolescents in a Chinese City. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2019, 16, 991.
Gillooly, S.E., Zhou, Y., Vallarino, J., Chu, M.T., Michanowicz, D.R., Levy, J.I., Adamkiewicz, G., Development of an in-home, real-time air pollutant sensor platform and implications for community use, Environmental Pollution (2018), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2018.10.064.
Shah SN, Fossa A, Steiner AS, Kane J, Levy JI, Adamkiewicz G, Bennett-Fripp WM, Reid M. Housing Quality and Mental Health: the Association between Pest Infestation and Depressive Symptoms among Public Housing Residents. J Urban Health. 2018 Oct; 95(5):691-702. PMID: 30141116.
Perovich LJ, Ohayon JL, Cousins EM, Morello-Frosch R, Brown P, Adamkiewicz G, Brody JG. Reporting to parents on children's exposures to asthma triggers in low-income and public housing, an interview-based case study of ethics, environmental literacy, individual action, and public health benefits. Environ Health. 2018 May 21; 17(1):48. PMID: 29784007.
Mitro SD, Chu MT, Dodson RE, Adamkiewicz G, Chie L, Brown FM, James-Todd TM. Phthalate metabolite exposures among immigrants living in the United States: findings from NHANES, 1999-2014. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2018 Mar 23. PMID: 29572484.
Underhill LJ, Fabian MP, Vermeer K, Sandel M, Adamkiewicz G, Leibler JH, Levy JI. Modeling the resiliency of energy efficient retrofits in low-income multifamily housing. Indoor Air. 2017 Dec 27. PMID: 29280511.
Li L, Spengler JD, Cao SJ, Adamkiewicz G. Prevalence of asthma and allergic symptoms in Suzhou, China: Trends by domestic migrant status. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2017 Dec 21. PMID: 29269755.
Dong Z, Nath A, Guo J, Bhaumik U, Chin MY, Dong S, Marshall E, Murphy JS, Sandel MT, Sommer SJ, Ursprung WWS, Woods ER, Reid M, Adamkiewicz G. Evaluation of the Environmental Scoring System in Multiple Child Asthma Intervention Programs in Boston, Massachusetts. Am J Public Health. 2018 Jan; 108(1):103-111. PMID: 29161061.
Dodson RE, Udesky JO, Colton MD, McCauley M, Camann DE, Yau AY, Adamkiewicz G, Rudel RA. Chemical exposures in recently renovated low-income housing: Influence of building materials and occupant activities. Environ Int. 2017 Dec; 109:114-127. PMID: 28916131.
Zota AR, Singla V, Adamkiewicz G, Mitro SD, Dodson RE. Reducing chemical exposures at home: opportunities for action. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2017 Jul 29. PMID: 28756396.
Phipatanakul W, Koutrakis P, Coull BA, Kang CM, Wolfson JM, Ferguson ST2, Petty CR, Samnaliev M, Cunningham A, Sheehan WJ, Gaffin JM, Baxi SN, Lai PS, Permaul P, Liang L, Thorne PS, Adamkiewicz G, Brennan KJ, Baccarelli AA, Gold DR. The School Inner-City Asthma Intervention Study: Design, rationale, methods, and lessons learned. Contemp Clin Trials. 2017 Jun 12;60:14-23. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2017.06.008.
Gold DR, Adamkiewicz G, Arshad SH, Celedón JC, Chapman MD, Chew GL, Cook DN, Custovic A, Gehring U, Gern JE, Johnson CC, Kennedy S, Koutrakis P, Leaderer B, Mitchell H, Litonjua AA, Mueller GA, O'Connor GT, Ownby D, Phipatanakul W, Persky V, Perzanowski MS, Ramsey CD, Salo PM, Schwaninger JM, Sordillo JE, Spira A, Suglia SF, Togias A, Zeldin DC, Matsui EC. NIAID, NIEHS, NHLBI, and MCAN Workshop Report: The indoor environment and childhood asthma-implications for home environmental intervention in asthma prevention and management. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2017 May 10. PMID: 28502823.
Levy DE, Adams IF, and Adamkiewicz G. (2017). Delivering on the Promise of Smoke-Free Public Housing. Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print January 19, 2017: e1–e4. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2016.303606.
Mitro S.D., Dodson R.E., Singla V., Adamkiewicz G., Elmi A., Tilly M.K, Zota A.R.+ Consumer product chemicals in indoor dust: a quantitative meta-analysis of US. studies. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016 12 20; 50(24):13611.
Fang SC, Chen S, Trachtenberg F, Rokicki S, Adamkiewicz G, Levy DE. Validity of self-reported tobacco smoke exposure among non-smoking adult public housing residents. PLoS One. 2016; 11(5): e0155024.
Fabian P, Lee S, Underhill L, Vermeer K, Adamkiewicz G, Levy JI. Modeling environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) infiltration in low-income multifamily housing before and after building energy retrofits, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2016 Mar 16;13(3). pii: E327. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13030327.
MacNaughton PO, Adamkiewicz G, Arku RE, Vallarino J, Levy D, The impact of a smoke-free policy on environmental tobacco smoke exposure in public housing developments, Sci Total Environ. 2016 Mar 30;557-558:676-680. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.03.110.
Coombs KC, Chew GL, Schaffer C, Ryan PH, Brokamp C, Grinshpun SA, Adamkiewicz G, Chillrud S, Hedman C, Colton M, Ross J, Reponen T, Indoor air quality in green-renovated vs. non-green low-income homes of children living in a temperate region of US (Ohio), Science of the Total Environment 554–555 (2016) 178–185.
Caspi CE, Tucker-Seeley RD, Adamkiewicz G, Roberto CA, Stoddard AM, Sorensen GC. Food Hardship and Obesity in a Sample of Low-Income Immigrants. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2016:1-8.
Tong Z, Chen Y, Malkawi A, Adamkiewicz G, Spengler JD. Quantifying the impact of traffic-related air pollution on the indoor air quality of a naturally ventilated building. Environ Int. 2016 Jan 29;89-90:138-146. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2016.01.016. [Epub ahead of print]
Rokicki S, Adamkiewicz G, Fang SC, Rigotti NA, Winickoff JP, Levy DE. Assessment of Residents' Attitudes and Satisfaction Before and After Implementation of a Smoke-Free Policy in Boston Multiunit Housing. Nicotine Tob Res. 2015 Oct 26. pii: ntv239
Colton MD, Laurent JG, MacNaughton P, Kane J, Bennett-Fripp M, Spengler J, Adamkiewicz G. Health Benefits of Green Public Housing: Associations With Asthma Morbidity and Building-Related Symptoms. Am J Public Health. 2015 Dec;105(12):2482-9. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302793. Epub 2015 Oct 15.
Levy DE, Adamkiewicz G, Rigotti NA, Fang SC, Winickoff JP. Changes in Tobacco Smoke Exposure following the Institution of a Smoke-Free Policy in the Boston Housing Authority. PLoS One. 2015 Sep 11;10(9):e0137740. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137740. eCollection 2015.
Li L, Adamkiewicz G, Zhang Y, Spengler JD, Qu F, Sundell J. Effect of Traffic Exposure on Sick Building Syndrome Symptoms among Parents/Grandparents of Preschool Children in Beijing, China. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 18;10(6):e0128767. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0128767. eCollection 2015.
Russo, ET, Hulse TE, Adamkiewicz G, Levy DE, Bethune L, Kane J, Reid M, Shah S. “Comparison of indoor air quality in smoke-permitted and smoke-free multiunit housing: Findings from the Boston Housing Authority.” Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2015 Mar;17(3):316-22. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntu146.
Wu CD, McNeely E, Cedeño-Laurent JG, Pan WC, Adamkiewicz G, Dominici F, Lung SC, Su HJ, Spengler JD. Linking student performance in Massachusetts elementary schools with the "greenness" of school surroundings using remote sensing. PLoS One. 2014; 9(10):e108548.
Colton MD, MacNaughton PO, Vallarino J, Kane J, Bennett-Fripp M, Spengler JD, Adamkiewicz G, Indoor air quality in green vs. conventional multi-family low-income housing, Environ Sci Technol. 2014 Jul 15;48(14):7833-41.
Arku RE†, Adamkiewicz G†, Vallarino J, Spengler JD, Levy DE. Seasonal variability in environmental tobacco smoke exposure in public housing developments. Indoor Air. 2014 Apr 19. doi: 10.1111/ina.12121. (†co-first authors)
Fabian P, Adamkiewicz G, Stout NK, Sandel M, Levy JI. A simulation model of building intervention impacts on indoor environmental quality, pediatric asthma, and costs. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Jan;133(1):77-84.
Harley AE, Yang M, Stoddard AM, Adamkiewicz G, Walker R, Tucker-Seeley RD, Allen JD, Sorensen G. Patterns and predictors of health behaviors among racially/ethnically diverse residents of low-income housing developments. Am J Health Promot. 2014 Sep-Oct; 29(1):59-67.
Noris F, Adamkiewicz G, Delp WW, Hotchi T, Russell M, Singer BC, Spears M, Vermeer K, Fisk WJ. Indoor environmental quality benefits of apartment energy retrofits. Building and Environment, Volume 68, October 2013, Pages 170-178.
Noris F, Delp WW, Vermeer K, Adamkiewicz G, Singer BC, Fisk WJ. Protocol For Maximizing Energy Savings And Indoor Environmental Quality Improvements When Retrofitting Apartments. Energy and Buildings Energy Build. 61, 378–383. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2013.02.046.
Lu C, Adamkiewicz G, Attfield KR, Kapp M, Spengler JD, Tao L, Xie SH. Household pesticide contamination from indoor pest control applications in urban low-income public housing dwellings: a community-based participatory research. Environ Sci Technol. 2013 Feb 19; 47(4):2018-25.
Adamkiewicz G, Spengler JD, Harley AE, Stoddard A, Yang A, Alvarez-Reeves M, Sorensen G. Environmental Conditions in Low-Income Urban Housing: Clustering and Associations With Self-Reported Health. American Journal of Public Health: September 2014, Vol. 104, No. 9, pp. 1650-1656. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301253
Sorensen G, Allen JD, Adamkiewicz G, Yang M, Tamers SL, Stoddard A. Intention to quit smoking and concerns about household environmental risks: Findings from the Health in Common Study in Low-Income Housing. Cancer Causes Control. 2013 Apr;24(4):805-11.
Fabian P, Stout NK, Adamkiewicz G, Geggel A, Ren C, Sandel M, Levy JI. The effects of indoor environmental exposures on pediatric asthma: a discrete event simulation model. Environ Health. 2012 Sep 18;11(1):66.
Caspi CE, Kawachi I, Subramanian SV, Adamkiewicz G, Sorensen G. The relationship between diet and perceived and objective access to supermarkets among low-income housing residents. Soc Sci Med. 2012 Oct;75(7):1254-62. Epub 2012 Jun 9.
Fabian P, Adamkiewicz G, Levy JI Simulating indoor concentrations of NO2 and PM2.5 in multifamily housing for use in health-based intervention modeling. Indoor Air. 2012 Feb;22(1):12-23.
Adamkiewicz G, Zota AR, Fabian MP, Chahine T, Julien R, Spengler JD, Levy JI. Moving environmental justice indoors: understanding structural influences on residential exposure patterns in low-income communities. AJPH 2011 Dec; 101 Suppl 1:S238-45.